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Fixing the Freeze - How to Speed Up a Slow Computer By  James Matthew Alaka comic Strip

People all over the world search for how to speed up a slow computer almost on a daily basis, frustrated with the shortcomings of their seemingly new system that keeps slowing down each day. It starts off with some delayed program execution or a time consuming context menu handler but soon spreads to more severe problems like Winsock errors, file crashes, explorer hang ups and the dreaded blue screen of death that forces the user to shut down the computer for further progress.

The continuous freezes in your systems might lead to multiple problems. It could end up corrupting your version of the Windows installation, cause hardware failures and even make you lose important work files and unsaved data if it crashes in the middle of a project and it is not properly backed up. Several frustrated users run periodic virus scans and spyware terminators but cannot detect any possible threats. They aimlessly wonder on how to speed up a slow computer, wasting thousands of dollars on professional repairs and new systems when the problem lies in the heart of the registry.

A corrupt registry might also lead to complicated program associations and generation of permissions within the system so there could be a host of bloated applications with no proper digital signature that could attach to the system shell at startup. With a constant rise in the number of such parasitic applications, the system could continually register slower boot up times and even freeze up on startup trying to grant access permissions to such redundant entries, a problem that has forced people all over to search for how to speed up a slow computer without knowing the entire host of problems can be removed by optimizing the registry.

A registry in a Windows operating system is a small hierarchical data repository that contains relations between settings and applications, codes and options required for smooth functioning of the system. A corrupt registry can lead to several problems rendering your new system virtually unusable. The only possible solution lies in a registry tune-up and registry clean protocols that help fix errors and keep your registry healthy for a long time.

There are also registry tools with option of registry backup and defragmentation which further add to speeding up your system. Next time, when you search solutions on how to speed up a slow computer, remember to repair the registry first.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

There are many registry Repair Tools available, Every Registry Cleaner has some benefits as well some drawbacks.

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