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Internet Marketing - Three Mistakes Marketers Make That Kill Their Financial Success
By Jason Stark comic Strip

Internet Marketing is a really attractive new way to run a business. There is low overhead, no boss watching over your shoulder to worry about, no office politics, and you can stay at home or travel the world doing it. But only if you are financially successful. If you have not yet achieved the level of financial success in internet marketing that you desire, you will want to find out about the three mistakes internet marketers make. Then ask yourself if you feel you are making one or more yourself. The mistakes are: Not being flexible enough in your marketing activities, Not having your direction clearly in front of you, and not reaching out enough to explore the new or at least different avenues. Let us see how each of these mistakes can kill your financial success in internet marketing.

Mistake 1: Not being flexible in your actions. Internet Marketing, about 15 years after its invention, is still developing rapidly. New techniques, shiny new e-books, video seminars are promising you a new, easier and faster way to riches on the internet. The growth of the internet marketing revenues is still well into the double digits in percentage terms regardless of the rest of the economy. So what some marketers do is they close themselves up from exploring new avenues of approach, sticking with what somewhat works, and hoping for the best.

That is not flexible. Others go out and purchase each and every single one of the new e-books promising a system to riches. You would think these people are showing a high degree of flexibility. Yet, not all is as it looks. Most of the purchasers of the new systems and shiny e-books read the book, try it out, and then move on to something else. This looks like flexibility but it is not. The people who do this are inflexible in their actions. They can read but they can not do the work that is required usually. So they go back to doing the thing they know, missing their stated goals.

Mistake 2: Not having your direction clearly in front of you. Having your goals clearly stated and being aware of them is important. Yes there is time for creativity, and flexibility in actions, but from time to time it is important to just take a break and ask yourself. Are my actions taking me closer toward my stated goals or are they taking me farther from them. To know that, you do need to make an honest comparison with your stated goals.

Mistake 3: Not reaching and exploring the new avenues. This is related to Mistake 1. It is hard to be flexible in your actions when all choices you see in front of you and you can act on, are unpleasant. That will happen when you resign and stop constantly reaching out and finding new ways to improve on what you are doing or what else you could be doing that could complement, improve, or totally replace what you are doing today.

When you learn that any of the three mistakes will hold you back from reaching your financial goals in internet marketing, it is time to take some action indeed. Go out and explore new ways of doing things. It is the second decade of the Third Millennium already, you see. It is not your dads internet! Learn a new skill that will increase your flexibility. And review your goals. Do they still make sense for you? There is no point in chasing old shadows. Make your new goals fresh and worthy of achieving. Internet marketing as a rapidly growing field can be the means to achieve them.

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