Affiliate marketing alert - there isn't any in this article. I'm
not trying to sell anything! Ever since I came across the idea of
internet marketing while idly trawling the web, I've been obsessed by
it. And not in a good way. It became clear quite quickly that there ARE
people making money - in some cases a lot of money - from Google AdSense
and Affiliate Marketing.There are also a lot of people making a lot of
money from selling other people ebooks revealing the secret of making
money online - we might describe this as recursive profiteering.
The reason I say I'm not obsessed in a good way is that, like so
many other people, I became obsessed with reading about making money.
There is just so much information out there, so many blogs to read,
courses to sign up for, schemes to sign up for, ebooks to buy - and I
fell for the lot. I'd be embarrassed to admit how much I've spent on MMO
crap. So I won't. Let's just say I've been there, done it, got the
T-Shirt (literally in some cases).
And what have I discovered? Well, for a start, there's no great
secret. You choose a topic to write about, you set up a webpage, you
sign up for AdSense, you wait for the punters to start rolling in. It
really is that simple. Of course, most people know that much already.
They also know that the devil is in the detail - how do I choose a topic
to write about? When do the punters start rolling in? How do I get more
of them?
It's at this point, when you're site's been up for months and made
not a single cent, that even the savvy surfer trying to make a
legitimate online income gets tempted by the gurus. '$30 for an ebook
that will tell me how to do make thousands? Bargain. I'll have one of
those.' Don't! There is plenty of excellent free information out there.
The Blogger Unleashed website could zip up its content into an ebook,
sell it for $100, and it WOULD be worth it. Just Google 'Make Money
Online' and be selective about what you click through to (not easy, I
know, with so many cowboys out there). Or go straight to Blogger
Unleashed where you will find plenty of excellent information, further
links, and no pressure to buy anything (although there are of course
adverts - a guy's got to eat, right?). Why wait?
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