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4th Annual Message
Washington, November 4, 1812 |
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Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of
On our present meeting it is my first duty to invite your
attention to the providential favors which our country has
experienced in the unusual degree of health dispensed to its
inhabitants, and in the rich abundance with which the earth has
rewarded the labors bestowed on it. In the successful
cultivation of other branches of industry, and in the progress
of general improvement favorable to the national prosperity,
there is just occasion also for our mutual congratulations and
With these blessings are necessarily mingled the pressures and
vicissitudes incident to the state of war into which the United
States have been forced by the perseverance of a foreign power
in its system of injustice and aggression.
Previous to its declaration it was deemed proper, as a measure
of precaution and forecast, that a considerable force should be
placed in the Michigan Territory with a general view to its
security, and, in the event of war, to such operations in the
uppermost Canada as would intercept the hostile influence of
Great Britain over the savages, obtain the command of the lake
on which that part of Canada borders, and maintain cooperating
relations with such forces as might be most conveniently
employed against other parts. Brigadier-General Hull was charged
with this provisional service, having under his command a body
of troops composed of regulars and of volunteers from the State
of Ohio. Having reached his destination after his knowledge of
the war, and possessing discretionary authority to act
offensively, he passed into the neighboring territory of the
enemy with a prospect of easy and victorious progress. The
expedition, nevertheless, terminated unfortunately, not only in
a retreat to the town and fort of Detroit, but in the surrender
of both and of the gallant corps commanded by that officer. The
causes of this painful reverse will be investigated by a
Anxious to abridge the evils from which a state of war can not
be exempt, I lost no time after it was declared in conveying to
the British Government the terms on which its progress might be
arrested, without awaiting the delays of a formal and final
pacification, and our charge d'affaires at London was at the
same time authorized to agree to an armistice founded upon
The documents from the Department of State which relate to this
subject will give a view also of the propositions for an
armistice which have been received here, one of them from the
authorities at Halifax and in Canada, the other from the British
Government itself through Admiral Warren, and of the grounds on
which neither of them could be accepted. Our affairs with France
retain the posture which they held at my last communication to
you. Notwithstanding the authorized expectations of an early as
well as favorable issue to the discussions on foot, these have
been procrastinated to the latest date. The only intervening
occurrence meriting attention is the promulgation of a French
decree purporting to be a definitive repeal of the Berlin and
Milan decrees. This proceeding, although made the ground of the
repeal of the British order in council, is rendered by the time
and manner of it liable to many objections.
The final communications from our special minister to Denmark
afford further proofs of the good effects of his mission, and of
the amicable disposition of the Danish Government. From Russia
we have the satisfaction to receive assurances of continued
friendship, and that it will not be affected by the rupture
between the United States and Great Britain. Sweden also
professes sentiments favorable to the subsisting harmony.
With the Barbary Powers, excepting that of Algiers, our affairs
remain on the ordinary footing. The consul-general residing with
that Regency has suddenly and without cause been banished,
together with all the American citizens found there. Whether
this was the transitory effect of capricious despotism or the
first act of predetermined hostility is not ascertained.
Precautions were taken by the consul on the latter supposition.
The Indian tribes not under foreign instigations remain at
peace, and receive the civilizing attentions which have proved
so beneficial to them.
With a view to that vigorous prosecution of the war to which our
national faculties are adequate, the attention of Congress will
be particularly drawn to the insufficiency of existing
provisions for filling up the military establishment. Such is
the happy condition of our country, arising from the facility of
subsistence and the high wages for every species of occupation,
that notwithstanding the augmented inducements provided at the
last session, a partial success only has attended the recruiting
service. The deficiency has been necessarily supplied during the
campaign by other than regular troops, with all the
inconveniences and expense incident to them. The remedy lies in
establishing more favorably for the private soldier the
proportion between his recompense and the term of his
enlistment, and it is a subject which can not too soon or too
seriously be taken into consideration.
The same insufficiency has been experienced in the provisions
for volunteers made by an act of the last session., the
recompense for the service required in this case is still less
attractive than in the other, and although patriotism alone has
sent into the field some valuable corps of that description,
those alone who can afford the sacrifice can be reasonably
expected to yield to that impulse...
The receipts into the Treasury during the year ending on the
30th of September last have exceeded $16,500,000, which have
been sufficient to defray all the demands on the Treasury to
that day, including a necessary reimbursement of near three
millions of the principal of the public debt. In these receipts
is included a sum of near $5,850,000, received on account of the
loans authorized by the acts of the last session; the whole sum
actually obtained on loan amounts to $11,000,000, the residue of
which, being receivable subsequent to the 30th of September
last, will, together with the current revenue, enable us to
defray all the expenses of this year.
The duties on the late unexpected importations of British
manufactures will render the revenue of the ensuing year more
productive than could have been anticipated.
The situation of our country, fellow-citizens, is not without
its difficulties, though it abounds in animating considerations,
of which the view here presented of our pecuniary resources is
an example. With more than one nation we have serious and
unsettled controversies, and with one, powerful in the means and
habits of war, we are at war. The spirit and strength of the
nation are nevertheless equal to the support of all its rights,
and to carry it through all its trials. They can be met in that
confidence. Above all, we have the inestimable consolation of
knowing that the war in which we are actually engaged is a war
neither of ambition nor of vainglory; that it is waged not in
violation of the rights of others, but in the maintenance of our
own; that it was preceded by a patience without example under
wrongs accumulating without end, and that it was finally
not declared until every hope of averting it was extinguished by
the transfer of the British scepter into new hands clinging to
former councils, and until declarations were reiterated to the
last hour, through the British envoy here, that the hostile
edicts against our commercial rights and our maritime
independence would not be revoked; nay that they could not be
revoked without violating the obligations of Great Britain to
other powers, as well as to her own interests. To have shrunk
under such circumstances from manly resistance would have been a
degradation blasting our best and proudest hopes; it would have
struck us from the high rank where the virtuous struggles of our
fathers had placed us, and have betrayed the magnificent legacy
which we hold in trust for future generations. It would have
acknowledged that on the element which forms three-fourths of
the globe we inhabit and where all independent nations have
equal and common rights, the American people were not an
independent people, but colonists and vassals. It was at this
moment and with such an alternative that war was chosen. The
nation felt the necessity of it, and called for it. The appeal
was accordingly made, in a just cause, to the Just and
All-powerful Being who holds in His hand the chain of events and
the destiny of nations. It remains only that, faithful to
ourselves, entangled in no connections with the views of other
powers, and ever ready to accept peace from the hand of justice,
we prosecute the war with united counsels and with the ample
faculties of the nation until peace be so obtained and as the
only means under the Divine blessing of speedily obtaining it. |