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This is Spinal Tap

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Released: 1984
This is Spinal Tap is a mock documentary about a rock band that never really existed and came out long before VH1's "Behind the Music" was ever even thought of.  This film is One of Rob Reiner's earliest pursuits as a director and helped to establish the former "Meathead" as a respected director.  As the movie starts out, you almost find the story believable but then the ridiculous happens.  Among those ridiculous events are the creation of a Stonehenge set that is much smaller than the band had either desired or anticipated.  The band expects a full scale set and, as comedy would have it, it turns out to be a model.  To make things worse, you see a dwarf Dancing around it and the model actually becomes dwarfed by the presence of a dwarf.  That's almost ironic.  There is a lot of humor in this film that musicians can appreciate and identify with.  The movie features the performances of  Rob Reiner, Michael McKean (Lenny from the "Laverne and Shirley" show) and Harry Shearer long before he ever did any of the voices for "The Simpsons."
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