Remember all the panic and mayhem that was unleashed in the original
airing of the radio show? Well, that didn't happen with the movie but
it was still a great picture none-the-less. The movie is based on the
H.G. Wells story of a Martian invasion. The film won the Academy
Award for Best Special Effects in 1953. The effects still manage to
hold up somewhat today but the story is what really set the standard
for Martian invasion type of movies. War of the Worlds was not only
memorable for its sound effects but for its depiction of destruction
on a massive scale. A scale not really seen in the Sci-Fi genre at
that time. It obviously became the model for future films like
Independence Day. It doesn't have a lot of the blood and gore of
today's movies and it doesn't possess any of the profanity used today
either. That may help to make it all the more the classic. |