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Jackson's Third Annual Message
December 6, 1831 |
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In my message at the opening of the last session of Congress I
expressed a confident hope that the justice of our claims upon
France, urged as they were with perseverance and signal ability
by our minister there, would finally be acknowledged. This hope
has been realized. A treaty has been signed which will
immediately be laid before the Senate for its approbation, and
which, containing stipulations that require legislative acts,
must have the concurrence of both Houses before it can be
carried into effect. By it the French Government engage to pay a
sum which, if not quite equal to that which may be found due to
our citizens, will yet, it is believed, under all circumstances,
be deemed satisfactory by those interested. The offer of a gross
sum instead of the satisfaction of each individual claim was
accepted because the only alternatives were a rigorous exaction
of the whole amount stated to be due on each claim, which in
some instances be exaggerated by design, in others overrated
through error, and which, therefore, it would have been both
ungracious and unjust to have insisted on; or a settlement by a
mixed commission, to which the French negotiators were very
averse, and which experience in other cases had shown to be
dilatory and often wholly inadequate to the end. A comparatively
small sum is stipulated on our part to go to the extinction of
all claims by French citizens on our Government, and a reduction
of duties on our cotton and their wines has been agreed on as a
consideration for the renunciation of an important claim for
commercial privileges under the construction they gave to the
treaty for the cession of Louisiana. Should this treaty receive
the proper sanction, a source of irritation will be stopped that
has for so many years in some degree alienated from each other
two nations who, from interest as well as the remembrance of
early associations, ought to cherish the most friendly
relations; an encouragement will be given for perseverance in
the demands of justice by this new proof that if steadily
pursued they will be listened to, and admonition will be offered
to those powers, if any, which may be inclined to evade them
that they will never be abandoned; above all, a just confidence
will be inspired in our fellow-citizens that their Government
will exert all the powers with which they have invested it in
support of their just claims upon foreign nations; at the same
time that the frank acknowledgment and provision for the payment
of those which were addressed to our equity, although
unsupported by legal proof, affords a practical illustration of
our submission to the divine rule of doing to others what we
desire they should do unto us.
Sweden and Denmark having made compensation for the
irregularities committed by their vessels or in their ports to
the perfect satisfaction of the parties concerned, and having
renewed the treaties of commerce entered into with them, our
political and commercial relations with those powers continue to
be on the most friendly footing.
With Spain our differences up to the 22d of February, 1819, were
settled by the treaty of Washington of that date, but at a
subsequent period our commerce with the States formerly colonies
of Spain on the continent of America was annoyed and frequently
interrupted by her public and private armed ships. They captured
many of our vessels prosecuting a lawful commerce and sold them
and their cargoes, and at one time to our demands for
restoration and indemnity opposed the allegation that they were
taken in the violation of a blockade of all the ports of those
States. 'This blockade was declaratory only, and the inadequacy
of the force to maintain it was so manifest that this allegation
was varied to a charge of trade in contraband of war. This, in
its turn, was also found untenable, and the minister whom I sent
with instructions to press for the reparation that was due to
our injured fellow-citizens has transmitted an answer to his
demand by which the captures are declared to have been legal,
and are justified because the independence of the States of
America never having been acknowledged by Spain she had a right
to prohibit trade with them under her old colonial laws. This
ground of defense was contradictory, not only to those which had
been formerly alleged, but to the uniform practice and
established laws of nations, and had been abandoned by Spain
herself in the convention which granted indemnity to British
subjects for captures made at the same time, under the same
circumstances, and for the same allegations with those of which
we complain.
I, however, indulge the hope that further reflection will lead
to other views, and feel confident that when His Catholic
Majesty shall be convinced of the justice of the claims his
desire to preserve friendly relations between the two countries,
which it is my earnest endeavor to maintain, will induce him to
accede to our demand. I have therefore dispatched a special
messenger with instructions to our. minister to bring the case
once more to his consideration, to the end that if (which I can
not bring myself to believe) the same decision (that can not but
be deemed an unfriendly denial of justice) should be persisted
in the matter may before your adjournment be laid before you,
the constitutional judges of what is proper to be done when
negotiation for redress of injury fails.
The conclusion of a treaty for indemnity with France seemed to
present a favorable opportunity to renew our claims of a similar
nature on other powers, and particularly in the case of those
upon Naples, more especially as in the course of former
negotiations with that power our failure to influence France to
render us justice was used as an argument against us. The
desires of the merchants, who were the principal sufferers, have
therefore been acceded to, and a mission has been instituted for
the special purpose of obtaining for them a reparation already
too long delayed. This measure having been resolved on, it was
put in execution without waiting for the meeting of Congress,
because the state of Europe created an apprehension of events
that might have rendered our application ineffectual.
Our demands upon the Government of the Two Sicilies are of a
peculiar nature. The injuries on which they are founded are not
denied, nor are the atrocity and perfidy under which those
injuries were perpetrated attempted to be extenuated. The sole
ground on which indemnity has been refused is the alleged
illegality of the tenure by which the monarch who made the
seizures held his crown. This defense, always unfounded in any
principle of the law of nations, now universally abandoned, even
by those powers upon whom the responsibility for acts of past
rulers bore the most heavily, will unquestionably be given up by
his Sicilian Majesty, whose counsels will receive an impulse
from that high sense of honor and regard to justice which are
said to characterize him; and I feel the fullest confidence that
the talents of the citizen commissioned for that purpose will
place before him the just claims of our injured citizens in such
a light as will enable me before your adjournment to announce
that they have been adjusted and secured. Precise instructions
to the effect of bringing the negotiations to a speedy issue
have been given, and will be obeyed.
In the late blockade of Terceira some of the Portuguese fleet
captured several of our vessels and committed other excesses,
for which reparation was demanded, and I was on the point of
dispatching all armed force to prevent any recurrence of a
similar violence and protect our citizens in the prosecution of
their lawful commerce when official assurances, on which I
relied, making the sailing of the ships unnecessary. Since that
period frequent promises have been made that full indemnity
shall be given for the injuries inflicted and the losses
sustained. In the performance there has been some, perhaps
unavoidable, delay; but I have the fullest confidence that my
earnest desire that this business may at once be closed, which
our minister has been instructed strongly to express, will very
soon be gratified. I have the better ground for this hope from
the evidence of a friendly disposition which that Government has
shown by an actual reduction in the duty on rice the produce of
our Southern States, authorizing the anticipation that this
important article of our export will soon be admitted on the
same footing with that produced by the most favored nation.
With the other powers of Europe we have fortunately had no cause
of discussions for the redress of injuries. With the Empire of
the Russias our political connection is of the most friendly and
our commercial of the most liberal kind. We enjoy the advantages
of navigation and trade given to the most favored nation, but it
has not yet suited their policy, or perhaps has not been found
convenient from other considerations, to give stability and
reciprocity to those privileges by a commercial treaty. The ill
health of the minister last year charged with making a
proposition for that arrangement did not permit him to remain at
St. Petersburg, and the attention of that Government during the
whole of the period since his departure having been occupied by
the war in which it was engaged, we have been assured that
nothing could have been effected by his presence. A minister
will soon be nominated, as well to effect this important object
as to keep up the relations of amity and good understanding of
which we have received so many assurances and proofs from His
Imperial Majesty and the Emperor his predecessor.
The treaty with Austria is opening to us an important trade with
the hereditary dominions of the Emperor, the value of which has
been hitherto little known, and of course not sufficiently
appreciated. While our commerce finds an entrance into the south
of Germany by means of this treaty, those we have formed with
the Hanseatic towns and Prussia and others now in negotiation
will open that vast country to the enterprising spirit of our
merchants on the north-a country abounding in all the materials
for a mutually beneficial commerce, filled with enlightened and
industrious inhabitants, holding an important place in the
politics of Europe, and to which we owe so many valuable
citizens. The ratification of the treaty with the Porte was sent
to be exchanged by the gentleman appointed our chargé d'affaires
to that Court. Some difficulties occurred on his arrival, but at
the date of his last official dispatch he supposed they had been
obviated and that there was every prospect of the exchange being
speedily effected. In my message at the opening of the last
session of Congress I expressed a confident hope that the
justice of our claims upon France, urged as they were with
perseverance and signal ability by our minister there, would
finally be acknowledged. This hope has been realized. A treaty
has been signed which will immediately be laid before the Senate
for its approbation, and which, containing stipulations that
require legislative acts, must have the concurrence of both
Houses before it can be carried into effect. By it the French
Government engage to pay a sum which, if not quite equal to that
which may be found due to our citizens, will yet, it is
believed, under all circumstances, be deemed satisfactory by
those interested. The offer of a gross sum instead of the
satisfaction of each individual claim was accepted because the
only alternatives were a rigorous exaction of the whole amount
stated to be due on each claim, which in some instances be
exaggerated by design, in others overrated through error, and
which, therefore, it would have been both ungracious and unjust
to have insisted on; or a settlement by a mixed commission, to
which the French negotiators were very averse, and which
experience in other cases had shown to be dilatory and often
wholly inadequate to the end. A comparatively small sum is
stipulated on our part to go to the extinction of all claims by
French citizens on our Government, and a reduction of duties on
our cotton and their wines has been agreed on as a consideration
for the renunciation of an important claim for commercial
privileges under the construction they gave to the treaty for
the cession of Louisiana. Should this treaty receive the proper
sanction, a source of irritation will be stopped that has for so
many years in some degree alienated from each other two nations
who, from interest as well as the remembrance of early
associations, ought to cherish the most friendly relations; an
encouragement will be given for perseverance in the demands of
justice by this new proof that if steadily pursued they will be
listened to, and admonition will be offered to those powers, if
any, which may be inclined to evade them that they will never be
abandoned; above all, a just confidence will be inspired in our
fellow-citizens that their Government will exert all the powers
with which they have invested it in support of their just claims
upon foreign nations; at the same time that the frank
acknowledgment and provision for the payment of those which were
addressed to our equity, although unsupported by legal proof,
affords a practical illustration of our submission to the divine
rule of doing to others what we desire they should do unto us.
Sweden and Denmark having made compensation for the
irregularities committed by their vessels or in their ports to
the perfect satisfaction of the parties concerned, and having
renewed the treaties of commerce entered into with them, our
political and commercial relations with those powers continue to
be on the most friendly footing.
With Spain our differences up to the 22d of February, 1819, were
settled by the treaty of Washington of that date, but at a
subsequent period our commerce with the States formerly colonies
of Spain on the continent of America was annoyed and frequently
interrupted by her public and private armed ships. They captured
many of our vessels prosecuting a lawful commerce and sold them
and their cargoes, and at one time to our demands for
restoration and indemnity opposed the allegation that they were
taken in the violation of a blockade of all the ports of those
States. 'This blockade was declaratory only, and the inadequacy
of the force to maintain it was so manifest that this allegation
was varied to a charge of trade in contraband of war. This, in
its turn, was also found untenable, and the minister whom I sent
with instructions to press for the reparation that was due to
our injured fellow-citizens has transmitted an answer to his
demand by which the captures are declared to have been legal,
and are justified because the independence of the States of
America never having been acknowledged by Spain she had a right
to prohibit trade with them under her old colonial laws. This
ground of defense was contradictory, not only to those which had
been formerly alleged, but to the uniform practice and
established laws of nations, and had been abandoned by Spain
herself in the convention which granted indemnity to British
subjects for captures made at the same time, under the same
circumstances, and for the same allegations with those of which
we complain.
I, however, indulge the hope that further reflection will lead
to other views, and feel confident that when His Catholic
Majesty shall be convinced of the justice of the claims his
desire to preserve friendly relations between the two countries,
which it is my earnest endeavor to maintain, will induce him to
accede to our demand. I have therefore dispatched a special
messenger with instructions to our. minister to bring the case
once more to his consideration, to the end that if (which I can
not bring myself to believe) the same decision (that can not but
be deemed an unfriendly denial of justice) should be persisted
in the matter may before your adjournment be laid before you,
the constitutional judges of what is proper to be done when
negotiation for redress of injury fails.
The conclusion of a treaty for indemnity with France seemed to
present a favorable opportunity to renew our claims of a similar
nature on other powers, and particularly in the case of those
upon Naples, more especially as in the course of former
negotiations with that power our failure to influence France to
render us justice was used as an argument against us. The
desires of the merchants, who were the principal sufferers, have
therefore been acceded to, and a mission has been instituted for
the special purpose of obtaining for them a reparation already
too long delayed. This measure having been resolved on, it was
put in execution without waiting for the meeting of Congress,
because the state of Europe created an apprehension of events
that might have rendered our application ineffectual.
Our demands upon the Government of the Two Sicilies are of a
peculiar nature. The injuries on which they are founded are not
denied, nor are the atrocity and perfidy under which those
injuries were perpetrated attempted to be extenuated. The sole
ground on which indemnity has been refused is the alleged
illegality of the tenure by which the monarch who made the
seizures held his crown. This defense, always unfounded in any
principle of the law of nations, now universally abandoned, even
by those powers upon whom the responsibility for acts of past
rulers bore the most heavily, will unquestionably be given up by
his Sicilian Majesty, whose counsels will receive an impulse
from that high sense of honor and regard to justice which are
said to characterize him; and I feel the fullest confidence that
the talents of the citizen commissioned for that purpose will
place before him the just claims of our injured citizens in such
a light as will enable me before your adjournment to announce
that they have been adjusted and secured. Precise instructions
to the effect of bringing the negotiations to a speedy issue
have been given, and will be obeyed.
In the late blockade of Terceira some of the Portuguese fleet
captured several of our vessels and committed other excesses,
for which reparation was demanded, and I was on the point of
dispatching all armed force to prevent any recurrence of a
similar violence and protect our citizens in the prosecution of
their lawful commerce when official assurances, on which I
relied, making the sailing of the ships unnecessary. Since that
period frequent promises have been made that full indemnity
shall be given for the injuries inflicted and the losses
sustained. In the performance there has been some, perhaps
unavoidable, delay; but I have the fullest confidence that my
earnest desire that this business may at once be closed, which
our minister has been instructed strongly to express, will very
soon be gratified. I have the better ground for this hope from
the evidence of a friendly disposition which that Government has
shown by an actual reduction in the duty on rice the produce of
our Southern States, authorizing the anticipation that this
important article of our export will soon be admitted on the
same footing with that produced by the most favored nation.
With the other powers of Europe we have fortunately had no cause
of discussions for the redress of injuries. With the Empire of
the Russias our political connection is of the most friendly and
our commercial of the most liberal kind. We enjoy the advantages
of navigation and trade given to the most favored nation, but it
has not yet suited their policy, or perhaps has not been found
convenient from other considerations, to give stability and
reciprocity to those privileges by a commercial treaty. The ill
health of the minister last year charged with making a
proposition for that arrangement did not permit him to remain at
St. Petersburg, and the attention of that Government during the
whole of the period since his departure having been occupied by
the war in which it was engaged, we have been assured that
nothing could have been effected by his presence. A minister
will soon be nominated, as well to effect this important object
as to keep up the relations of amity and good understanding of
which we have received so many assurances and proofs from His
Imperial Majesty and the Emperor his predecessor.
The treaty with Austria is opening to us an important trade with
the hereditary dominions of the Emperor, the value of which has
been hitherto little known, and of course not sufficiently
appreciated. While our commerce finds an entrance into the south
of Germany by means of this treaty, those we have formed with
the Hanseatic towns and Prussia and others now in negotiation
will open that vast country to the enterprising spirit of our
merchants on the north-a country abounding in all the materials
for a mutually beneficial commerce, filled with enlightened and
industrious inhabitants, holding an important place in the
politics of Europe, and to which we owe so many valuable
citizens. The ratification of the treaty with the Porte was sent
to be exchanged by the gentleman appointed our chargé d'affaires
to that Court. Some difficulties occurred on his arrival, but at
the date of his last official dispatch he supposed they had been
obviated and that there was every prospect of the exchange being
speedily effected. |
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