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Ulysses S.
Grant's 8th Annual Message
Executive Mansion, December
5, 1876. |
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To the Senate and House of Representatives.
In submitting my eighth and last annual message to Congress it
seems proper that I should refer to and in some degree
recapitulate the events and official acts of the past eight
It was my fortune, or misfortune, to be called to the office of
Chief Executive without any previous political training. From
the age of 17 I had never even witnessed the excitement
attending a Presidential campaign but twice antecedent to my own
candidacy, and at but one of them was I eligible as a voter.
Under such circumstances it is but reasonable to suppose that
errors of judgment must have occurred. Even had they not,
differences of opinion between the Executive, bound by an oath
to the strict performance of his duties, and writers and
debaters must have arisen. It is not necessarily evidence of
blunder on the part of the Executive because there are these
differences of views. Mistakes have been made, as all can see
and I admit, but it seems to me oftener in the selections made
of the assistants appointed to aid in carrying out. the various
duties of administering the Government-in nearly every case
selected without a personal acquaintance with tile appointee,
but upon recommendations of tile representatives chosen directly
by the people. It is impossible, where so many trusts are to be
allotted, that the right parties should be chosen in every
instance. History shows that no Administration from the time of
Washington to the present has been free from these mistakes. But
I leave comparisons to history, claiming only that I have acted
in every instance from a conscientious desire to do what was
right, constitutional, within the law, and for the very best
interests of the whole people. Failures have been errors of
judgment, not of intent.
My civil career commenced, too, at a most critical and difficult
time. Less than four years before, the country had emerged from
a conflict such as no other nation had ever survived. Nearly
one-half of the States had revolted against the Government, and
of those remaining faithful to the Union a large percentage of
the population sympathized with the rebellion and made an "enemy
in the rear" almost as dangerous as the more honorable enemy in
the front. The latter committed errors of judgment, but they
maintained them openly and courageously; the former received the
protection of the Government they would see destroyed, and
reaped all the pecuniary advantage to be gained out of the then
existing state of affairs, many of them by obtaining contracts
and by swindling the Government in the delivery of their goods.
Immediately on the cessation of hostilities the then noble
President, who had carried the country so far through its
perils, fell a martyr to his patriotism at the hands of an
The intervening time to my first inauguration was filled up with
wranglings between Congress and the new Executive as to the best
mode of "reconstruction," or, to speak plainly, as to whether
the control of the Government should be thrown immediately into
the hands of those who had so recently and persistently tried to
destroy it, or whether the victors should continue to have an
equal voice with them in this control. Reconstruction, as
finally agreed upon, means this and only this, except that the
late slave was enfranchised, giving an increase, as was
supposed, to the Union-loving and Union-supporting votes. If
free in the full sense of the word, they would not disappoint
this expectation. Hence at the beginning of my first
Administration the work of reconstruction, much embarrassed by
the long delay, virtually commenced. It was the work of the
legislative branch of the Government. My province was wholly in
approving their acts, which I did most heartily, urging the
legislatures of States that had not yet done so to ratify the
fifteenth amendment to the Constitution. The country was
laboring under an enormous debt, contracted in the suppression
of rebellion, and taxation was so oppressive as to discourage
production. Another danger also threatened us-a foreign war. The
last difficulty had to be adjusted and was adjusted without a
war and in a manner highly honorable to all parties concerned.
Taxes have been reduced within the last seven years nearly
$300,000,000, and the national debt has been reduced in the same
time over $435,000,000. By refunding the 6 per cent bonded debt
for bonds bearing 5 and 4 1/2 per cent interest, respectively,
the annual interest has been reduced from over $130,000,000 in
1869 to but little over $100,000,000 in 1876. The balance of
trade has been changed from over $130,000,000 against the United
States in 1869 to more than $120,000,000 in our favor in 1876.
It is confidently believed that the balance of trade in favor of
the United States will increase, not diminish, and that the
pledge of Congress to resume specie payments in 1879 will be
easily accomplished in the absence of much-desired further
legislation on the subject.
A policy has been adopted toward the Indian tribes inhabiting a
large portion of the territory of the United States which has
been humane and has substantially ended Indian hostilities in
the whole land except in a portion of Nebraska, and Dakota,
Wyoming, and Montana Territories-the Black Hills region and
approaches thereto. Hostilities there have grown out of the
avarice of the white man, who has violated our treaty
stipulations in his search for gold. The question might be asked
why the Government has not enforced obedience to the terms of
the treaty prohibiting the occupation of the Black Hills region
by whites. The answer is simple: The first immigrants to the
Black Hills were removed by troops, but rumors of rich
discoveries of gold took into that region increased numbers.
Gold has actually been found in paying quantity, an effort to
remove the miners would only result in the desertion of the bulk
of the troops that might be sent there to remove them. All
difficulty in this matter has, however, been removed-subject to
the approval of Congress-by a treaty ceding the Black Hills and
approaches to settlement by citizens.
The subject of Indian policy and treatment is so fully set forth
by the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, and my views so fully expressed therein, that I refer
to their reports and recommendations as nay own...
The relations of the United States with foreign powers continue
on a friendly footing.
It is with satisfaction that I am enabled to state that the work
of the joint commission for determining the boundary line
between the United States and British possessions from the
northwest angle of the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains,
commenced in 1872, has been completed. The final agreements of
the commissioners, with the maps, have been duly signed, and the
work of the commission is complete.
The fixing of the boundary upon the Pacific coast by the
protocol of March 10, 1873, pursuant to the award of the Emperor
of Germany by Article XXXIV of the treaty of Washington, with
the termination of the work of this commission, adjusts and
fixes the entire boundary between the United States and the
British possessions, except as to the portion of territory ceded
by Russia to the United States under the treaty of 1867. The
work intrusted to the commissioner and the officers of the Army
attached to the commission has been well and satisfactorily
performed. The original of the final agreement of the
commissioners, signed upon the 29th of May, 1876, with the
original official "lists of astronomical stations observed," the
original official "list of monuments marking the international
boundary line," and the maps, records, and general reports
relating to the commission, have been deposited in the
Department of State. The official report of the commissioner on
the part of the United States, with the report of the chief
astronomer of the United States, will be submitted to Congress
within a short time.
I reserve for a separate communication to Congress a statement
of the condition of the questions which lately arose with Great
Britain respecting the surrender of fugitive criminals under the
treaty of 1842.
The Ottoman Government gave notice, under date of January 15,
1874, of its desire to terminate the treaty of 1862, concerning
commerce and navigation, pursuant to the provisions of the
twenty-second article thereof. Under this notice the treaty
terminated upon the 5th day of June, 1876. That Government has
invited negotiations toward the conclusion of a new treaty.
By the act of Congress of March 23, 1874, the President was
authorized, when he should receive satisfactory information that
the Ottoman Government or that of Egypt had organized new
tribunals likely to secure to citizens of the United States the
same impartial justice enjoyed under the exercise of judicial
functions by diplomatic and consular officers of the United
States, to suspend the operation of the act of June 22, 1860,
and to accept for citizens of the United States the jurisdiction
of the new tribunals. Satisfactory information having been
received of the organization of such new tribunals in Egypt, I
caused a proclamation to be issued upon the 27th of March last,
suspending the operation of the act of June 22, 1860, ill Egypt,
according to the provisions of the act.
A copy of the proclamation accompanies this message. The United
States has united with the other powers in the organization of
these courts. It is hoped that the jurisdictional questions
which have arisen may be readily adjusted, and that this advance
in judicial reform may be hindered by no obstacles.
The necessary legislation to carry into effect the convention
respecting commercial reciprocity concluded with the Hawaiian
Islands in 1875 having been had, the proclamation to carry into
effect the convention, as provided by the act approved August
15, 1876, was duly issued upon the 9th day of September last. A
copy thereof accompanies this message.
The commotions which have been prevalent in Mexico for some time
past, and which, unhappily, seem to be net yet wholly quieted,
have led to complaints of citizens of the United States of
injuries by persons in authority. It is hoped, however, that
these will ultimately be adjusted to the satisfaction of both
Governments. The frontier of the United States in that quarter
has not been exempt from acts of violence by citizens of one
Republic on those of the other. The frequency of these is
supposed to be increased and their adjustment made more
difficult by the considerable changes in the course of the lower
part of the Rio Grande River, which river is a part of the
boundary between the two countries. These changes have placed on
either side of that river portions of land which by existing
conventions belong to the jurisdiction of the Government on the
opposite side of the river. The subject of adjustment of this
cause of difficulty is under consideration between the two
The Government of the United States of Colombia has paid the
award in the case of the steamer Montijo, by authorities of that
Government some years since, and the amount has been
transferred. to the claimants.
It is with satisfaction that I am able to announce that the
joint commission for the adjustment of claims between the United
States and Mexico under the convention of 1868, the duration of
which has been several times extended, has brought its labors to
a close. From the report of the agent of the United States,
which accompanies the papers transmitted herewith, it will be
seen that within the time limited by the commission 1,017 claims
on the part of citizens of the United States against Mexico were
referred to the commission. Of these claims 831 were dismissed
or disallowed, and in 186 cases awards were made in favor of the
claimants against the Mexican Republic, amounting in the
aggregate to $4,125,622.20. Within the same period 998 claims on
the part of citizens of the Mexican Republic against the United
States were referred to the commission. Of these claims 831 were
dismissed or disallowed, and in 167 awards were made in favor of
the claimants against the United States, amounting in the
aggregate to $150,498.41.
By the terms of the convention the amount of these awards is to
be deducted from the amount awarded in favor of our citizens
against Mexico, and the balance only to be paid by Mexico to the
United States, leaving the United States to make provision for
this proportion of the awards in favor of its own citizens.
I invite your attention to the legislation which will be
necessary to provide for the payment.
In this connection I am pleased to be able to express the
acknowledgments due to Sir Edward Thornton, the umpire of the
commission, who has given to the consideration of the large
number of claims submitted to him much time, unwearied patience,
and that firmness and intelligence which are well known to
belong to the accomplished representative of Great Britain, and
which are likewise recognized by the representative this country
of the Republic of Mexico.
Monthly payments of a very small part of the amount due by the
Government of Venezuela to citizens of the United States on
account of claims of the latter against that Government continue
to be made with reasonable punctuality. That Government has
proposed to change the system which it has hitherto pursued in
this respect by issuing bonds for part of the amount of the
several claims. The proposition, however, could not, it is
supposed, properly be accepted, at least without the consent of
the holders of certificates of the indebtedness of Venezuela.
These are so much dispersed that it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to ascertain their disposition on the subject.
In former messages I have called the attention of Congress to
the necessity of legislation with regard to fraudulent
naturalization and to the subject of expatriation and the
election of nationality.
The numbers of persons of foreign birth seeking a home in the
United States, the ease and facility with which the honest
emigrant may, after the lapse of a reasonable time, become
possessed of all the privileges of citizenship of the United
States, and the frequent occasions which induce such adopted
citizens to return to the country of their birth render the
subject of naturalization and the safeguards which experience
has proved necessary for the protection of the honest
naturalized citizen of paramount importance. The very simplicity
in the requirements of law on this question affords opportunity
for fraud, and the want of uniformity in the proceedings and
records of the various courts and in the forms of the
certificates of naturalization issued affords a constant source
of difficulty.
I suggest no additional requirements to the acquisition of
citizenship beyond those now existing, but I invite the earnest
attention of Congress to the necessity and wisdom of some
provisions regarding uniformity in the records and certificates,
and providing against the frauds which frequently take place and
for the vacating of a record of naturalization obtained in
These provisions are needed in aid and for the protection of the
honest citizen of foreign birth, and for the want of which he is
made to suffer not infrequently. The United States has insisted
upon the right of expatriation, and has obtained, after a long
struggle, an admission of the principle contended for by
acquiescence therein on the part of many foreign powers and by
the conclusion of treaties on that subject. It is, however, but
justice to the government to which such naturalized citizens
have formerly owed allegiance, as well as to the United States,
that certain fixed and definite rules should be adopted
governing such cases and providing how expatriation may be
While emigrants in large numbers become citizens of the United
States, it is also true that persons, both native born and
naturalized, once citizens of the United States, either by
formal acts or as the effect of a series of facts and
circumstances, abandon their citizenship and cease to be
entitled to the protection of the United States, but continue on
convenient occasions to assert a claim to protection in the
absence of provisions on these questions.
And in this connection I again invite your attention to the
necessity legislation concerning the marriages of American
citizens contracted abroad, and concerning the status of
American women who may marry foreigners and of children born of
American parents in a foreign country.
The delicate and complicated questions continually occurring
with reference to naturalization, expatriation, and the status
of such persons as I have above referred to induce me to
earnestly direct your attention again to these subjects.
In like manner I repeat my recommendation that some means be
provided for the hearing and determination of the just and
subsisting claims of aliens upon the Government of the United
States within a reasonable limitation, and of such as may
hereafter arise. While by existing provisions of law the Court
of Claims may in certain cases be resorted to by an alien
claimant, the absence of any general provisions governing all
such cases and the want of a tribunal skilled in the disposition
of such cases upon recognized fixed and settled principles,
either provides no remedy in many deserving cases or compels a
consideration of such claims by Congress or the executive
department of the Government.
It is believed that other governments are in advance of the
United States upon this question, and that the practice now
adopted is entirely unsatisfactory.
Congress, by an act approved the 3d day of March, 1875,
authorized the inhabitants of the Territory of Colorado to form
a State government, with the name of the State of Colorado, and
therein provided for the admission of said State, when formed,
into the Union upon an equal footing with the original States...
The report of the Secretary of War shows that the Army has been
actively employed during the year in subduing, at the request of
the Indian Bureau, certain wild bands of the Sioux Indian Nation
and in preserving the peace at the South during the election.
The commission constituted under the act of July 24, 1876
consider and report on the “whole subject of the reform and
reorganization of the Army” met in August last, and has
collected a large mass of statistics and opinions bearing on the
subject before it. These are now under consideration, and their
report is progressing. I am advised, though, by the president of
the commission that it will be impracticable to comply with the
clause of the act requiring the report to be presented, through
me, to Congress on the first day of this session, as there has
not yet been time for that mature deliberation which the
importance of the subject demands. Therefore I ask that the time
of making the report be extended to the 29th day of January,
I invite your special attention to the following recommendations
of the Secretary of War:
First. That the claims under the act of July 4, 1864, for
supplies taken by the Army during the war be removed from the
offices of the Quartermaster and Commissary Generals and
transferred to the Southern Claims Commission. These claims are
of precisely similar nature to those now before the Southern
Claims Commission, and the War Department bureaus have not the
clerical force for their examination nor proper machinery for
investigating the loyalty of the claimants.
Second. That Congress sanction the scheme of an annuity fund for
the benefit of the families of deceased officers, and that it
also provide for the permanent organization of the Signal
Service, both of which were recommended in my last annual
Third. That the manufacturing operations of the Ordnance
Department be concentrated at three arsenals and an armory, and
that the remaining arsenals be sold and the proceeds applied to
this object by the Ordnance Department.
The appropriations for river and harbor improvements for the
current year were $5,015,000. With my approval, the Secretary of
War directed that of tiffs amount $2,000,000 should be expended,
and no new works should be begun and none prosecuted which were
not of national importance. Subsequently this amount was
increased to $2,237,600, and the works are now progressing on
this basis.
The improvement of the South Pass of the Mississippi River,
under James B. Eads and his associates, is progressing
favorably. At the present time there is a channel of 20.3 feet
in depth between the jetties at the mouth of the pass and 18.5
feet at the head of the pass. Neither channel, however, has the
width required before payments can be made by the United States.
A commission of engineer officers is now examining these works,
and their reports will be presented as soon as received.
The report of the Secretary of the Navy shows that branch of the
service to be in condition as effective as it is possible to
keep it with the means and authority given the Department. It
is, of course, not possible to rival the costly and progressive
establishments of great European powers with the old material of
our Navy, to which no increase has. been authorized since the
war, except the eight small cruisers built to supply the place
of others which had gone to decay. Yet the most has been done
that was possible with the means at command; and by
substantially rebuilding some of our old ships with durable
material and completely repairing and refitting our monitor
fleet the Navy has been gradually so brought up that, though it
does not maintain its relative position among the progressive
navies of the world, it is now in a condition more powerful and
effective than it ever has been in time of peace.
The complete repairs of our five heavy ironclads are only
delayed on account of the inadequacy of the appropriations made
last year for the working bureaus of the Department, which were
actually less in amount than those made before the war,
notwithstanding the greatly enhanced price of labor and
materials and the increase in the cost of the naval service
growing out of the universal use and great expense of steam
machinery. The money necessary for these repairs should be
provided at once, that they may be completed without further
unnecessary delay and expense.
When this is done, all the strength that there is in our Navy
will be developed and useful to its full capacity, and it will
be powerful for purposes of defense, and also for offensive
action, should the necessity for that arise within a reasonable
distance from our shores.
The fact that our Navy is not more modern and powerful than it
is has been made a cause of complaint against the Secretary of
the Navy by persons who at the same time criticize and complain
of his endeavors to bring the Navy that we have to its best and
most efficient condition; but the good sense of the country will
understand that it is really due to his practical action that we
have at tiffs time any effective naval force at command.
The report of the Postmaster-General shows the excess of
expenditures (excluding expenditures on account of previous
years) over receipts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1876, to
be $4, 151,988.66.
Estimated expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878,
are $36,723,432.43
Estimated revenue same period is $30,645,165, leaving estimated
excess of expenditure, to be appropriated as a deficiency, of
The Postmaster-General, like his predecessor, is convinced that
a change in the basis of adjusting the salaries of postmasters
of the fourth class is necessary for the good of the service as
well as for the interests of the Government, and urgently
recommends that the compensation of the class of postmasters
above mentioned be based upon the business of their respective
offices, as ascertained from the sworn returns to the Auditor of
stamps canceled.
A few postmasters in the Southern States have expressed great
apprehension of their personal safety on account of their
connection with the postal service, and have specially requested
that their reports of apprehended danger should not be made
public lest it should result in the loss of their lives. But no
positive testimony of interference has been submitted, except in
the case of a mail messenger at Spartanburg, in South Carolina,
who reported that he had been violently driven away while in
charge of the mails on account of his political affiliations. An
assistant superintendent of the Railway Mail Service
investigated this case and reported that the messenger had
disappeared from his post, leaving his work to be performed by a
substitute. The Postmaster-General thinks this case is
sufficiently suggestive to justify him in recommending that a
more severe punishment should be provided for the offense of
assaulting any person in charge of the mails or of retarding or
otherwise obstructing them by threats of personal injury.
"A very gratifying result is presented in the fact that the
deficiency of this Department during the last fiscal year was
reduced to $4,081,790.18, as against $6,169,938.88 of the
preceding year. The difference can be traced to the large
increase in its ordinary receipts (which greatly exceed the
estimates therefore) and a slight decrease in its expenditures." |
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