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Henry Harrison's Inaugural Address
Thursday, March 4, 1841 |
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Called from a retirement which I had supposed was to continue
for the residue of my life to fill the chief executive office of
this great and free nation, I appear before you,
fellow-citizens, to take the oaths which the Constitution
prescribes as a necessary qualification for the performance of
its duties; and in obedience to a custom coeval with our
Government and what I believe to be your expectations I proceed
to present to you a summary of the principles which will govern
me in the discharge of the duties which 1 shall be called upon
to perform.
It was the remark of a Roman consul in an early period of that
celebrated Republic that a most striking contrast was observable
in the conduct of candidates for offices of power and trust
before and after obtaining them, they seldom carrying out in the
latter case the pledges and promises made in the former. However
much the world may have improved in many respects in the lapse
of upward of two thousand years since the remark was made by the
virtuous and indignant Roman, I fear that a strict examination
of the annals of some of the modern elective governments would
develop similar instances of violated confidence.
Although the fiat of the people has gone forth proclaiming me
the Chief Magistrate of this glorious Union, nothing upon their
part remaining to be done, it may be thought that a motive may
exist to keep up the delusion under which they may be supposed
to have acted in relation to my principles and opinions; and
perhaps there may be some in this assembly who have come here
either prepared to condemn those I shall now deliver, or,
approving them, to doubt the sincerity with which they are now
uttered. But the lapse of a few months will confirm or dispel
their fears. The outline of principles to govern and measures to
be adopted by an Administration not yet begun will soon be
exchanged for immutable history, and I shall stand either
exonerated by my countrymen or classed with the mass of those
who promised that they might deceive and flattered with the
intention to betray. However strong may be my present purpose to
realize the expectations of a magnanimous and confiding people,
I too well understand the dangerous temptations to which I shall
be exposed from the magnitude of the power which it has been the
pleasure of the people to commit to my hands not to place my
chief confidence upon the aid of that Almighty Power which has
hitherto protected me and enabled me to bring to favorable
issues other important but still greatly inferior trust
heretofore confided to me by my country.
The broad foundation upon which our Constitution rests being the
people-a breath of theirs having made, as a breath can unmake,
change, or modify it-it can be assigned to none of the great
divisions of government but to that of democracy. If such is its
theory, those who are called upon to administer it must
recognize as its leading principle the duty of shaping their
measures so as to produce the greatest good to the greatest
number. But with these broad admissions, if we would compare the
sovereignty acknowledged to exist in the mass of our people with
the power claimed by other sovereignties, even by those which
have been considered most purely democratic, we shall find a
most essential difference. All others lay claim to power limited
only by their own will. The majority of our citizens, on the
contrary, possess a sovereignty with an amount of power
precisely equal to that which has been granted to them by the
parties to the national compact, and nothing beyond. We admit of
no government by divine right, believing that so far as power is
concerned the Beneficent Creator has made no distinction amongst
men; that all are upon an equality, and that the only legitimate
right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed.
The Constitution of the United States is the instrument
containing this grant of power to the several departments
composing the Government. On an examination of that instrument
it will be found to contain declarations of power granted and of
power withheld. The latter is also susceptible of division into
power which the majority had the right to grant, but which they
do not think proper to intrust to their agents, and that which
they could not have granted, not being possessed by themselves.
In other words, there are certain rights possessed by each
individual American citizen which in his compact with the others
he has never surrendered. Some of them, indeed, he is unable to
surrender, being, in the language of our system, unalienable.
The boasted privilege of a Roman citizen was to him a shield
only against a petty provincial ruler, whilst the proud democrat
of Athens would console himself under a sentence of death for a
supposed violation of the national faith-which no one understood
and which at times was the subject of the mockery of all-or the
banishment from his home, his family, and his country with or
without an alleged cause, that it was the act not of a single
tyrant or hated aristocracy, but of his assembled countrymen.
Far different is the power of our sovereignty. It can interfere
with no one's faith, prescribe forms of worship for no one's
observance, inflict no punishment but after well-ascertained
guilt, the result of investigation under rules pre scribed by
the Constitution itself. These precious privileges, and those
scarcely less important of giving expression to his thoughts and
opinions, either by writing or speaking, unrestrained but by the
liability for injury to others, and that of a full participation
in all the advantages which flow from the Government, the
acknowledged property of all, the American citizen derives from
no charter granted by his fellow-man. He claims them because he
is himself a man, fashioned by the same Almighty hand as the
rest of his species and entitled to a full share of the
blessings with which He has endowed them. Notwithstanding the
limited sovereignty possessed by the people of the United States
and the restricted grant of power to the Government which they
have adopted, enough has been given to accomplish all the
objects for which it was created. It has been found powerful in
war, and hitherto justice has been administered, and intimate
union effected, domestic tranquillity preserved, and personal
liberty secured to the citizen. As was to be expected, however,
from the defect of language and the necessarily sententious
manner in which the Constitution is written, disputes have
arisen as to the amount of power which it has actually granted
or was intended to grant.
This is more particularly the case in relation to that part of
the instrument which treats of the legislative branch, and not
only as regards the exercise of powers claimed under a general
clause giving that body the authority to pass all laws necessary
to carry into effect the specified powers, but in relation to
the latter also. It is, however, consolatory to reflect that
most of the instances of alleged departure from the letter or
spirit of the Constitution have ultimately received the sanction
of a majority of the people. And the fact that many of our
statesmen most distinguished for talent and patriotism have been
at one time or other of their political career on both sides of
each of the most warmly disputed questions forces upon us the
inference that the errors, if errors there were, are
attributable to the intrinsic difficulty in many instances of
ascertaining the intentions of the framers of the Constitution
rather than the influence of any sinister or unpatriotic motive.
But the great danger to our institutions does not appear to me
to be in a usurpation by the Government of power not granted by
the people, but by the accumulation in one of the departments of
that which was assigned to others. Limited as are the powers
which have been granted, still enough have been granted to
constitute a despotism if concentrated in one of the
departments. This danger is greatly heightened, as it has been
always observable that men are less jealous of encroachments of
one department upon another than upon their own reserved rights.
When the Constitution of the United States first came from the
hands of the Convention which formed it, many of the sternest
republicans of the day were alarmed at the extent of the power
which had been granted to the Federal Government, and more
particularly of that portion which had been as signed to the
executive branch. There were in it features which appeared not
to be in harmony with their ideas of a simple representative
democracy or republic, and knowing the tendency of power to
increase itself, particularly when exercised by a single
individual, predictions were made that at no very remote period
the Government would terminate in virtual monarchy. It would not
become me to say that the fears of these patriots have been
already realized; but as I sincerely believe that the tendency
of measures and of men's opinions for some years past has been
in that direction, it is, I conceive, strictly proper that I
should take this occasion to repeat the assurances I have
heretofore given of my determination to arrest the progress of
that tendency if it really exists and restore the Government to
its pristine health and vigor, as far as this can be effected by
any legitimate exercise of the power placed in my hands.
I proceed to state in as summary a manner as I can my opinion of
the sources of the evils which have been so extensively
complained of and the correctives which may be applied. Some of
the former are unquestionably to be found in the defects of the
Constitution; others, in my judgment, are attributable to a
misconstruction of some of its provisions. Of the former is the
eligibility of the same individual to a second term of the
Presidency. The sagacious mind of Mr. Jefferson early saw and
lamented this error, and at tempts have been made, hitherto
without success, to apply the amendatory power of the States to
its correction. As, however, one mode of correction is in the
power of every President, and consequently in mine, it would be
useless, and perhaps invidious, to enumerate the evils of which,
in the opinion of many of our fellow-citizens, this error of the
sages who framed the Constitution may have been the source and
the bitter fruits which we are still to gather from it if it
continues to disfigure our system. It may be observed, however,
as a general remark, that republics can commit no greater error
than to adopt or continue any feature in their systems of
government which may be calculated to create or increase the
lover of power in the bosoms of those to whom necessity obliges
them to commit the management of their affairs; and surely
nothing is more likely to produce such a state of mind than the
long continuance of an office of high trust. Nothing can be more
corrupting, nothing more destructive of all those noble feelings
which belong to the character of a devoted republican patriot.
When this corrupting passion once takes possession of the human
mind, like the love of gold it becomes insatiable. It is the
never-dying worm in his bosom, grows with his growth and
strengthens with the declining years of its victim. If this is
true, it is the part of wisdom for a republic to limit the
service of that officer at least to whom she has intrusted the
management of her foreign relations, the execution of her laws,
and the command of her armies and navies to a period so short as
to prevent his forgetting that he is the accountable agent, not
the principal; the servant, not the master. Until an amendment
of the Constitution can be effected public opinion may secure
the desired object I give my aid to it by renewing the pledge
heretofore given that under no circumstances will I consent to
serve a second term.
But if there is danger to public liberty from the acknowledged
defects of the Constitution in the want of limit to the
continuance of the Executive power in the same hands, there is,
I apprehend, not much less from a misconstruction of that
instrument as it regards the powers actually given. I can not
conceive that by a fair construction any or either of its
provisions would be found to constitute the President a part of
the legislative power . It can not be claimed from the power to
recommend, since, although enjoined as a duty upon him, it is a
privilege which he holds in common with every other citizen; and
although there may be something more of confidence in the
propriety of the measures recommended in the one case than in
the other, in the obligations of ultimate decision there can be
no difference. In the language of the Constitution, "all the
legislative powers" which it grants "are vested in the Congress
of the United States." It would be a solecism in language to say
that any portion of these is not included in the whole.
It may be said, indeed, that the Constitution has given to the
Executive the power to annul the acts of the legislative body by
refusing to them his assent. So a similar power has necessarily
resulted from that instrument to the judiciary, and yet the
judiciary forms no part of the Legislature. There is, it is
true, this difference between these grants of power: The
Executive can put his negative upon the acts of the Legislature
for other cause than that of want of conformity to the
Constitution, whilst the judiciary can only declare void those
which violate that instrument. But the decision of the judiciary
is final in such a case, whereas in every instance where the
veto of the Executive is applied it may be overcome by a vote of
two-thirds of both Houses of Congress. The negative upon the
acts of the legislative by the executive authority, and that in
the hands of one individual, would seem to be an incongruity in
our system. Like some others of a similar character, however, it
appears to be highly expedient, and if used only with the
forbearance and in the spirit which was intended by its authors
it may be productive of great good and be found one of the best
safeguards to the Union. At the period of the formation of the
Constitution the principle does not appear to have enjoyed much
favor in the State governments. It existed but in two, and in
one of these there was a plural executive. If we would search
for the motives which operated upon the purely patriotic and
enlightened assembly which framed the Constitution for the
adoption of a provision so apparently repugnant to the leading
democratic principle that the majority should govern, we must
reject the idea that they anticipated from it any benefit to the
ordinary course of legislation. They knew too well the high
degree of intelligence which existed among the people and the
enlightened character of the State legislatures not to have the
fullest confidence that the two bodies elected by them would be
worthy representatives of such constituents, and, of course,
that they would require no aid in conceiving and maturing the
measures which the circumstances of the country might require.
And it is preposterous to suppose that a thought could for a
moment have been entertained that the President, placed at the
capital, in the center of the country, could better understand
the wants and wishes of the people than their own immediate
representatives, who spend a part of every year among them,
living with them, often laboring with them, and bound to them by
the triple tie of interest, duty, and affection. To assist or
control Congress, then, in its ordinary legislation could not, I
conceive, have been the motive for conferring the veto power on
the President. This argument acquires additional force from the
fact of its never having been thus used by the first six
Presidents-and two of them were members of the Convention, one
presiding over its deliberations and the other bearing a larger
share in consummating the labors of that august body than any
other person. But if bills were never returned to Congress by
either of the Presidents above referred to upon the ground of
their being inexpedient or not as well adapted as they might be
to the wants of the people, the veto was applied upon that of
want of conformity to the Constitution or because errors had
been committed from a too hasty enactment.
There is another ground for the adoption of the veto principle,
which had probably more influence in recommending it to the
Convention than any other. I refer to the security which it
gives to the just and equitable action of the Legislature upon
all parts of the Union. It could not but have occurred to the
Convention that in a country so extensive, embracing so great a
variety of soil and climate, and consequently of products, and
which from the same causes must ever exhibit a great difference
in the amount of the population of its various sections, calling
for a great diversity in the employments of the people, that the
legislation of the majority might not always justly regard the
rights and interests of the minority, and that acts of this
character might be passed under an express grant by the words of
the Constitution, and therefore not within the competency of the
judiciary to declare void; that however enlightened and
patriotic they might suppose from past experience the members of
Congress might be, and however largely partaking, in the
general, of the liberal feelings of the people, it was
impossible to expect that bodies so constituted should not some
times be controlled by local interests and sectional feelings.
It was proper, therefore, to provide some umpire from whose
situation and mode of appointment more independence and freedom
from such influences might be expected. Such a one was afforded
by the executive department constituted by the Constitution. A
person elected to that high office, having his constituents in
every section, State, and subdivision of the Union, must
consider himself bound by the most solemn sanctions to guard,
protect, and defend the rights of all and of every portion,
great or small, from the injustice and oppression of the rest. I
consider the veto power, therefore, given by the Constitution to
the Executive of the United States solely as a conservative
power, to be used only first, to protect the Constitution from
violation; secondly, the people from the effects of hasty
legislation where their will has been probably disregarded or
not well understood, and, thirdly, to prevent the effects of
combinations violative of the rights of minorities. In reference
to the second of these objects I may observe that I consider it
the right and privilege of the people to decide disputed points
of the Constitution arising from the general grant of power to
Congress to carry into effect the powers expressly given; and I
believe with Mr. Madison that "repeated recognitions under
varied circumstances in acts of the legislative, executive, and
judicial branches of the Government, accompanied by indications
in different modes of the concurrence of the general will of the
nation," as affording to the President sufficient authority for
his considering such disputed points as settled.
Upward of half a century has elapsed since the adoption of the
present form of government. It would be an object more highly
desirable than the gratification of the curiosity of speculative
statesmen if its precise situation could be ascertained, a fair
exhibit made of the operations of each of its departments, of
the powers which they respectively claim and exercise, of the
collisions which have occurred between them or between the whole
Government and those of the States or either of them. We could
then compare our actual condition after fifty years' trial of
our system with what it was in the commencement of its
operations and ascertain whether the predictions of the patriots
who opposed its adoption or the confident hopes of its advocates
have been best realized. The great dread of the former seems to
have been that the reserved powers of the States would be
absorbed by those of the Federal Government and a consolidated
power established, leaving to the States the shadow only of that
independent action for which they had so zealously contended and
on the preservation of which they relied as the last hope of
liberty. Without denying that the result to which they looked
with so much apprehension is in the way of being realized, it is
obvious that they did not clearly see the mode of its
accomplishment. The General Government has seized upon none of
the reserved rights of the States. As far as any open warfare
may have gone, the State authorities have amply maintained their
rights. To a casual observer our system presents no appearance
of discord between the different members which compose it. Even
the addition of many new ones has produced no jarring. They move
in their respective orbits in perfect harmony with the central
head and with each other. But there is still an undercurrent at
work by which, if not seasonably checked, the worst
apprehensions of our antifederal patriots will be realized, and
not only will the State authorities be overshadowed by the great
increase of power in the executive department of the General
Government, but the character of that Government, if not its
designation, be essentially and radically changed...
There is no part of the means placed in the hands of the
Executive which might be used with greater effect for unhallowed
purposes than the control of the public press. The maxim which
our ancestors derived from the mother country that "the freedom
of the press is the great bulwark of civil and religious
liberty" is one of the most precious legacies which they have
left us. We have learned, too, from our own as well as the
experience of other countries, that golden shackles, by
whomsoever or by whatever pretense imposed, are as fatal to it
as the iron bonds of despotism. The presses in the necessary
employment of the Government should never be used "to clear the
guilty or to varnish crime." A decent and manly examination of
the Government should be not only tolerated, but encouraged.
Upon another occasion I have given my opinion at some length
upon the impropriety of Executive interference in the
legislation of Congress-that the article in the Constitution
making it the duty of the President to communicate information
and authorizing him to recommend measures was not intended to
make him the source in legislation, and, in particular, that he
should never be looked to for schemes of finance. It would be
very strange, indeed, that the Constitution should have strictly
forbidden one branch of the Legislature from interfering in the
origination of such bills and that it should be considered
proper that an altogether different department of the Government
should be permitted to do so. Some of our best political maxims
and opinions have been drawn from our parent isle. There are
others, however, which can not be introduced in our system
without singular incongruity and the production of much
mischief, and this I conceive to be one. No matter in which of
the houses of Parliament a bill may originate nor by whom
introduced-a minister or a member of the opposition-by the
fiction of law, or rather of constitutional principle, the
sovereign is supposed to have prepared it agreeably to his will
and then submitted it to Parliament for their advice and
consent. Now the very reverse is the case here, not only with
regard to the principle, but the forms prescribed by the
Constitution. The principle certainly assigns to the only body
constituted by the Constitution (the legislative body) the power
to make laws, and the forms even direct that the enactment
should be ascribed to them. The Senate, in relation to revenue
bills, have the right to propose amendments, and so has the
Executive by the power given him to return them to the House of
Representatives with his objections. It is in his power also to
propose amendments in the existing revenue laws, suggested by
his observations upon their defective or injurious operation.
But the delicate duty of devising schemes of revenue should be
left where the Constitution has placed it-with the immediate
representatives of the people. For similar reasons the mode of
keeping the public treasure should be prescribed by them, and
the further removed it may be from the control of the Executive
the more wholesome the arrangement and the more in accordance
with republican principle...
Amongst the other duties of a delicate character which the
President is called upon to perform is the supervision of the
government of the Territories of the United States. Those of
them which are destined to become members of our great political
family are compensated by their rapid progress from infancy to
manhood for the partial and temporary deprivation of their
political rights. It is in this District only where American
citizens are to be found who under a settled policy are deprived
of many important political privileges without any inspiring
hope as to the future. Their only consolation under
circumstances of such deprivation is that of the devoted
exterior guards of a camp-that their sufferings secure
tranquillity and safety within. Are there any of their
countrymen, who would subject them to greater sacrifices, to any
other humiliations than those essentially necessary to the
security of the object for which they were thus separated from
their fellow-citizens? Are their rights alone not to be
guaranteed by the application of those great principles upon
which all our constitutions are founded? We are told by the
greatest of British orators and statesmen that at the
commencement of the War of the Revolution the most stupid men in
England spoke of "their American subjects." Are there, indeed,
citizens of any of our States who have dreamed of their subjects
in the District of Columbia? Such dreams can never be realized
by any agency of mine. The people of the District of Columbia
are not the subjects of the people of the States, but free
American citizens. Being in the latter condition when the
Constitution was formed, no words used in that instrument could
have been intended to deprive them of that character. If there
is anything in the great principle of unalienable rights so
emphatically insisted upon in our Declaration of Independence,
they could neither make nor the United States accept a surrender
of their liberties and become the subjects-in other words, the
slaves-of their former fellow-citizens. If this be true-and it
will scarcely be denied by anyone who has a correct idea of his
own rights as an American citizen-the grant to Congress of
exclusive jurisdiction in the District of Columbia can be
interpreted, so far as respects the aggregate people of the
United States, as meaning nothing more than to allow to Congress
the controlling power necessary to afford a free and safe
exercise of the functions assigned to the General Government by
the Constitution. In all other respects the legislation of
Congress should be adapted to their peculiar position and wants
and be conformable with their deliberate opinions of their own
It should be our constant and earnest endeavor mutually to
cultivate a spirit of concord and harmony among the various
parts of our Confederacy. Experience has abundantly taught us
that the agitation by citizens of one part of the Union of a
subject not confided to the General Government, but exclusively
under the guardianship of the local authorities, is productive
of no other consequences than bitterness, alienation, discord,
and injury to the very cause which is intended to be advanced.
Of all the great interests which appertain to our country, that
of union-cordial, confiding, fraternal union-is by far the most
important, since it is the only true and sure guaranty of all
Fellow-citizens, being fully invested with that high office to
which the partiality of my countrymen has called me, I now take
an affectionate leave of you. You will bear with you to your
homes the remembrance of the pledge I have this day given to
discharge all the high duties of my exalted station according to
the best of my ability, and I shall enter upon their performance
with entire confidence in the support of a just and generous
people. |
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